Friday 10 December 2010

Evaluation- Analysing my finished product- Front Cover

 Snare! magazine clearly codes the indie rock music genre through the media language; body language, costume, facial expressions, colour schemes, and font styles. The facial expressions of each band member are moody and quite sincere. This codes the rebellion of the indie rock culture and youth, also this kind of facial expression is also apparent on other indie music magazines such as NME the issue with Lily Allen on the cover. This sincere facial expression is also a clear contrast to any cheesy smiles found on the covers of pop magazines such as the Top of the Pops cover I have analysed, reflecting the attitude and mood of the music genre. 
 The body language also codes the attitude of the indie genre as each member looks very relaxed and unposed compared to the artificial smiley, posed covers of pop and the controversial, provocative poses found on R'n'B covers. This codes for the relaxed approach the artists of indie music has to their music, as their lyrics are based on 'real life' everyday situations. 
 To relate to the target audience of girls aged between 17-25, it was important to highlight a key aspect of girl's culture within this 'Girl Power' issue, fashion. The costume chosen for the front cover is very recent and a current image in fashion of the indie culture. The lace tights and shorts are also quite provocative highlighting that the band also use a small idea of 'sex' to sell themselves in this chart. The costume of the band is predominately black which is very dark and usually codes the gothic genre/culture, this one aspect that indie rock has adopted. 
 The colour scheme of the front cover links to the theme of the issue 'Girl Power' as pink is associated and is universally used to code girls and their femininity. However combining the colour pink with black now encodes the idea of 'Rock Chick' which is what is being achieved through the whole colour scheme within the magazine. 
 On the cover there are many different font styles used, each style is very bold. This bold font used for the conventional title of a magazine, achieves the audiences attention. Also as each font used on the cover codes the rebellion of the indie rock culture as none of them are aligned or straight, and reflect handwriting. 
 As a magazine made for media coursework compared to other current products uses and exploits the conventions of magazines effectively, as straplines, titles, puffs and the photo manipulation are all present on this cover of Snare!. 

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