Friday 10 December 2010

Evaluation- Analysing my finished product- Double Page Spread

 It obvious that this double page spread is very unique and when compared to current magazines holds an individuality due to it's manipulation of photos, collecting them in a collage. A collage is used to encode the youth and relaxed attitude of the music, as there is no order to the photo's and also collages are created as a memory for the youth to look back on in the future.  
 Each photo comes from a different collection of images, grunge rock, glam rock and festival rock. Everyone of these images code an important factor of the indie rock, girl culture and reflects a chosen celebrity for inspiration. This reflection allows the reader to make a connection and establishes the bands identity within the culture. The costume in each photo encodes the relax approach of the music, and some of the glamourous side of it in the 'Glam Rock' photos. 
 A convention of magazines are interviews, like this one on this double page spread, using different colour fonts to establish between the interview and the bands responses. Also the colloquial language used within the interview codes the bands relaxed, youthful identity. This language is also easier for the target audience to read and enjoy. 
 Again the same font is used consistently on this double page spread, as used on the contents pages and front page. This establishes and reflects the bands identity, for example the font used for other rock bands such as Nirvana and Fall out boy. 

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