Wednesday 8 December 2010

Production-Double Page Spread

The final product of the double page spread featured in my music magazine Snare! is as above. To achieve this product I went through many stages of production on the programme photoshop, which I will show below.
As I decided to create a collage for my double page spread I had to use the polygonal lasso tool to cut around each image used, removing all the backgrounds.

    Then after to add a misty pink transparency over the collage I used the shape tool and added a layer. I used the colour pink to add feminity (the theme of this issue) then changed the transparency so all of the images could be seen still. After this I added two other rectangles for the background for the text, also adding some transparency effect.
    For the next step I added the title of the pages 'The Lovless- exclusive interview', to add consistency I used the same font for the bands name that is on the front cover and contents page. I also used the apint tool to add the paint splatter effect, adding colour and youth to the font.
    Then I added the interview using the text box tools, keeping to the layout of interviews in other magazines having two collumns of text in the one box. To define between the interviewer and the band I chose to use two different fonts, black for the interviwer and pink for the bands response.
    For the final touches I have added pull quotes within the interview, an arrow to show that the interview will carry on the other pages, page numbers and a heart which is associated with the band 'The Loveless'.

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