Wednesday 8 December 2010

Production- Front Cover

Above is my final version of the front cover of my own music magazine Snare!, however I will show how I have accomplished this product by using the programme Photoshop and exploiting it's tools to their full potential. The way I will show the production is through print screen shots of the programme and the stage that it was at.
The first step of making the front cover was to make a descision of what colour the background is going to be of the front cover, like many other indie rock magazines I chose the colour white, and then create upon this blank canvas. After I chose the photo I wanted of the band, then use the polygonal lasso tool to cut around the bodies of each member.

I then chose the to layer the pictures, for one member to be in the foreground and the other in background, this choice adds dimensions to the front cover and composes a better front page. After this I added the magazine title 'Snare!' in the chossen font, transformed it to fit in the corner on the diagonal layered over the bands images. I found a good paint tool effect and how I have used it has given the effect of rebellion as it looks like paint splatter acorss the front page, which codes for the youth and it's artistic culture.
The next step was to add the barcode, puff (pink circle) and strapline to the cover. To achieve this I simply used the shape tool, then added the effects of emboss to make it look more professional.
Then I added the contents of the strapline and puff, by using the text tool. I chose to use quite simple language which will communicate to the audience easier.
The last step of production of the front cover was to add the last details of text, cover lines, date, issue number and website. These final details reflect current magazine covers, as they are a convention of the magazine production.

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