Friday 10 December 2010

Evaluation- Analysing my finished product- Contents Page

Through the process of anaylising current contents pages of music magazines it is clear that they some use and cram the page with pictures and text, whereas others use them more effectively providing key information to allure the audience to read certain pages; this is what I have tried to achieve. 
 Like the front cover the contents page uses the same colour scheme of pink, black and white. Using the same colour scheme through a music magazine is a convention of the magazine and company as it establishes their identity. However the pink within this issue of the magazine encodes the issue theme of 'Girl Power'. The colours black and white are also a convention of rock music as it codes the anarchy reported to come along side with the heavy rock music, however it also codes some sort of sophistication compared to the bright primary colours used on pop magazines. 
 Also the theme of the use of paint tool (paint splatter) codes the rebellion and art work associated with rock music, i.e. graffiti. 
 On this contents page only one picture is used of the cover band, showing that they are the main topic of this issue. This use of one picture or minimal images is a convention of magazines which I have chosen to exploit. By using the same font for the band that was on the front cover shows the consistency and establishes the bands identity.
 Compared to the content pages I have analysed, I have chosen to have minimal pages shown in the contents. This is so the audience is allured to read about these specific topics highlighted and associated with the issues theme. By using bold fonts for each title of the pages codes the importance of the pages and the topics.
 Editors columns are apparent in all magazines, either reflecting a light hearted topic to do with the issue or something that has occurred in the week or the process of production. In this editors column it has been constructed to be related to the theme of 'Girl Power' dwelling in past bands and artists that the target audience have knowledge of creating humour and a relaxed feel of the magazine. 

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