Wednesday 8 December 2010

Production- Contents Page

Above is the final product of the contents page of my magazine Snare!, like the production of the front cover I will show every step of production through screen shots.
The first step of producing the contents page is to put in the rectangular shapes for the editiors collumn and page catergory titles. Also like for the front page I chose a photo of the band and used the polygonal lasso tool, to cut around the bodies and getting rid of any background of the image. 
After I added the titles by using the font tool for the page catergories, magazine name and 'this week'. I chose to use the same font for the magazine name, page catergories titles and the 'this week', this codes the theme of the magazine which will be used through the magazine. However I chose a different font for 'Girl Power' as it is the title of the issue, and it looks as if someone has wrote it. 
After I added the text of the page numbers, titles and brief summary of the contents to the page. I made sure that the allignment was all the same and that the all the fonts are readable. Also I added the font layered across the image of 'The Loveless' stating what page it is on, which is apparent in most magazines.
The final detail of the contents page was to add the editors collumn which are always found in a magazine whether it is in on the contents page or further in the magazine. Within the editors collumn I chose to use colloquial language and a light hearted feel making it easy for the readers to read.

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