Monday 29 November 2010

Planning/Production- Camera Shots

Mid- Shots

  • Is a camera shot from a medium distance.

  • Allows to see the mise-en-scene and background.

  • Contains a figure from the knees/waist up. This will allow me to show the outfits of the band which fit in to the indie rock image.

  • Close-ups
    • Shows very little background, and concentrates on the face.
    • The face takes up most of the frame.
    • More detail is seen on the persons face, e.g make-up

    Wednesday 24 November 2010

    Planning/Production- 'The Loveless' Interview

    Interviews are constant in every issue of a music magazine (but not always nescissarily the main contents of) with artists about topics such as:
    • The artists/bands new album
    • Gigs
    • The artists/bands new single
    • Fashion
    • General Gossip
    • The artists/bands rise to fame
    All of these aspects I shall include within the interview I shall create with the band 'The Loveless'.


    Whoever said that girl power was dead had obviously not heard of ‘The Loveless’ (cover band) The new girl band on the scene have re-vitalised those two iconic words by adding a bit of rock and roll. Taking time out from their sell out tour Carrie and Alex sit and chat to SNARE!
    Hi girls, how’s it going?

    Alex: This is the first time I have had a chance to sit down in two weeks; it has just all been mental…a good mental, of course.
    Carrie: Life is so surreal. I feel like someone is going pinch me and wake me up from this dream.

    Did you ever dream about being this famous?
    C: Actually, I never dreamed about being famous, just dreamed about making our own music. I’m just so happy to be doing this with my best friend.
    A: Awww, she is so sweet! Everyone wonders what it is like to be famous but now that we are I just can’t get my head around it.  I knew it would be crazy (being this famous), but to think that a year ago I was an ordinary student in sixth form about to do my A-levels. But now every time we go out we are stopped by fans screaming names, wanting pictures and singing our songs.
    C: It’s so mad; I can’t even go the local news agents without being recognised.

    Have you ever thought about investing in some kind of disguise?
    A: [Laughs] Now you’ve suggested it, we must!
    C: Yeah Alex would really suit a long ginger beard and glasses, start a new fashion trend.
    A: Oh how lovely!

    Every band that we have interviewed have been inspired by other bands and artists. Who is your inspiration?

    C: We have many inspirations mainly from 80’s, 90’s rock.
    A: We are pretty old school. [Laughs]
    C: We love Blondie, Guns ‘n’ Roses, Bon Jovi, Queen and Led Zeppelin. We are both huge fans of all their music. And we like to believe that we are doing them justice by bringing back true rock ‘n’ roll.
    A: Also our parents always told us to live our dream, and here we are, living it! So we are both truly thankful for what our parents do for us and what they have had to put up with; guitar lessons, rehearsals, auditions, photo-shoots, gigs etc. You name it they have always been there for us.

    So where are they today then?
    C: Having a much needed weekend away which we have treated them to.
    A: We thought that we would give something back to them.

    Whoever thought such humble girls could create the largest mosh pit in the electric ball last night!
    C: That was so amazing!
    A: Not amazing, it was immense. The crowd were so alive, and everyone was moshing, crowd surfing. That’s true rock and roll.
    C: We both come of stage and were really gutted ‘cos we wanted to join in. But someone had to provide the music.

    Would you of crowd surfed?
    C: Definitely.
    A: I’m afraid of heights, so no. [Laughs]
    C: It’s not that high!
    A: But still…

    Carrie, are you afraid of anything?
    C: I have a massive fear of clowns. When I was younger I could never go to the circus or birthday parties (with clowns) because of them.
    You have a very individual approach to fashion, style and image. Did anyone inspire you? Or is it just a statement saying ‘this is who we are’?
    Both: Erm.
    C: We have always been interested in fashion, always keeping up with the latest fashion trends, hairstyles and all that, like every teenager does.
    A: We dress like how we feel. So I think that we have just created our style and image through our personalities. But it’s quite nice think that we are ‘fashion icons’ now.
    [Both Laugh]

    Your new single ‘Second time over’ is out this week, how are you feeling about it?
    A: Releasing a new single is always fun, all the lead and up press can be stressful, but to us it’s all about the response to our music. We are only interested in our fans and if they like our new music and what we are doing.
    C: ‘Second time over’ is basically about not giving up on anything. We can really relate to it as we got so many knock a back before we got to where we are now and it is hard but you should never give up. Just try, try and try again.

    If you weren’t part of the current music industry, what would you be doing?
    C: We are very lucky to be where we are now, but if we weren’t I would of completed my A-levels and go to University to study music production. Then try my hardest to get Alex and I a career from there.
    A: If I wasn’t part of ‘The Loveless’ I think that I would of gone to University to study performing arts. I always dreamed to be on a West-End stage, not very rock ’n’ roll, I know. But it singing, dancing and acting is something I have done from the age of three. That’s where Carrie and I met.
    C: And it all happened from there. Alex has always been in my life.
    A: Lucky you!

    What a lovely note to finish on. Thank you girls for your time and coming for an interview and photo-shoot at SNARE! We hope you have enjoyed it.
    Both: Thanks.

    Buy ‘The Loveless’ new single ‘Second time over’ on I-tunes.
    Win tickets to ‘The Loveless’ tour- enter online.

    Friday 19 November 2010

    Planning- Images for the photoshoot

    Grunge Rock
    This style was influence by celebrities such as Taylor Momsem:
    Within my photoshoot this style while consist of the following costume and make-up:
    • Net/lace tights
    • Denim Shorts
    • Baggy t-shirt or vest
    • Biker boots
    • Long socks
    • Dark eye make-up
    • Messy hair
    Hopefully these choices will achieve this image and style of grunge rock. Which is very in fashion and reflects the laid back, rock image of the band.

    Glam Rock
    This style is inspired by Fearne Cotton:
    To achieve this style within the photoshot the costume and make-up:
    • Prom/fancy dresses
    • High Heels and converse
    • Knee High socks
    • Red Lipstick
    • Quiffs
    Hopefully these costume and make-up choices will code the glamourous side of the band, as if they were on the red-carpet, but also have rock influences and quirkiness.

    Festival Rock
    This style was inspired by Pixie Lott:
    To achieve this festival image within the photoshoot, the costume and make-up are:
    • Denim Shirts/Jacket
    • Floral
    • Leggings
    • Boots
    Festivals are very popular to the Indie Rock culture therefore this style will highlight the importance of them the band.

    Planning- Drafts of Double Page-Spread

    I have created three drafts of my initial ideas for the double pages-spread of my magazine; some which challange the conventions of a typical magazine.
    My double-page spread will include a wide range of images of the band 'The Loveless' and an interview with them. However I want to create something very individual but still employs the conventions of a double-page spread:
    • Title
    • Interview- spoken parts to be clearly distinguished through either font styles or colour.
    • Images
    • Pull Quotes
    • Page numbers
    Draft 1
    As I have decided to take many photo's of the band in different styles of indie fashion, to show them in a collage is decidingly the best way to show the majority of the photos. Also by creating a collage it reflects youth as making some sort of scrap book or collage is popular in teenage years, and it also a fun way to show all photo's reflecting my skills in using photoshop. In this draft the collage will be surrounding the interview and will go across both of the pages. Pull quotes highlight specific parts of the interview, usually the comic or gossiping extracts of the interview. These allow the reader to read the contents of the interview, without reading it as a whole. Also puff's have been used to promote the band's new single and that the interview is an exclusive to the magazine.

    Draft 2

    This draft however does not exploit as many images as the other, this will allow me to choose for images that will clearly show the bands image and style. Also the image on the right links back to draft one of the front covers which is made quite regulary through the use of the same images, fonts etc. On the draft the whole interview is not on the pages as many interviews in magazines take over more than a double page spread, by including this will show by understanding of the different lengths of magazine interviews.
    Draft 3
    Draft three combines both draft one and two in some of the ideas; the collage, not to have the whole interview on the page. The right hand side of the double page spread will resemble some old collage by changing the colour qualities of the images, then above it have a quirky font of 'The Loveless' splattered acorss it which will code rebellion and youth.

    Planning-Drafts for contents page

    I have created three drafts of my initial ideas for the contents of my magazine; some which challange the conventions of a typical magazine.
    In any type of magazine the contents page is always the first page of the magazine, and is equally important as the front cover, as it has to intregue the audience to read the magazine by displaying the issues contents in an appealing way. The conventions it has to include is:
    • titles of each page
    • page numbers
    • a brief summary of each page titled
    • images
    • editors collumn (in only some magazines on the contents page)
    • images
    Draft 1

    Draft one includes all of the conventions listed, and is very busy with page titles and small summaries. Even though it uses all the conventions it is quite basic, but is practical in highlighting the pages of importance (the image of the cover band, and the page number clearly stated). Like other music magazine contents pages the titles and summaries of pages are catergorised, this makes it easier for the reader to find what they enjoy reading about e.g. gigs. As this certain issue of the magazine is themed as 'girls take over' this will be shown through the titles and included in the editors collumn, which will be original and individual to the magazine.

    Draft 2
    Draft two has some qualities of draft one; catergorising the pages, image of the cover band, editors collumn, title linked to the theme. However this idea is very minimalistic compared to the busy page of draft one. The title will also adopt a bold font and use of feminim colours such as pink, to highlight the issues theme. This is also shown by the use of symbols (hearts and x's).

    Draft 3
    This final draft is very different to both as I was inspired by Q's contents page by reflecting the music genre through symbols, doodles and fonts. The idea for this contents page was to allow it to resemble a girls notebook and to have the fonts to reflects handwriting and doodles. This idea will establish the target audience and is a very original approach to a contents page.

    Thursday 18 November 2010

    Planning-Drafts of Front Cover

    I have created three drafts of my initial ideas for the front cover of my magazine; some which challange the conventions of a typical magazine.
    Draft 1

    This magazine cover is original as it challanges many music magazine conventions, for example the matshead is on a diagonal on the right hand corner which is not shown in analysing current products. Also the images are an extreme close up of half of the bands faces, this highlights and draws the attention of the audience on their facial expressions and make-up which sells themeselves as a band. The close-up also highlights the feminitiy of the band as it reveals their make-up in close detail. The amount of cover lines used within this front cover is very minimalistic, which allows and uses the image of the band to sell the magazine as used on the 'Rolling Stone' covers. The strapline simply highlights the issues theme of 'girl power' by having female artists and bands names, which is a convention used on magazine covers. However this magazine cover also has some flauses such as the masthead being on the right hand corner will be covered when stacked on shelves, also having minimal lines on the cover might not attract as many people as they may not have an interest in the band.
    Draft 2
    Compared to draft one this cover is much more busy with pictures, cover lines and how the strapline is used. Like many other music magazines, for example 'Kerrang!' the mast head is central and bold. The image of the band does not take up the whole page which allows more pictures of other artists in the issue which may attract more people than the target audience to read the issue, this is also another convention used on 'Kerrang!' covers. On this cover to sell the cover band's interview I have used the idea of pull qoutes from the interview to intise the readers. The strapline like on draft one has the names of other female bands and artists however this one is on the diagonal adding colour and attention the 'girl power' issue.
    Draft 3

    Draft three is a combination of both other drafts, as the only image on the page is the main band of the issue (draft 1), the strapline is on a diagonal (draft 2), pull quotes (draft 2), minimal cover lines (draft 1) by combinding these have created this original cover. From draft one I have considered the idea of having the masthead on one of the corners, however it is now on the left after thinking about the way magazines are stacked on shelves in shops. The image and style of the band is also being used the sell the magazine as much contents is not shown, but a close up/ mid-shot of the band is used higlighting their clothes, make-up and attitude to sell the magazine.

    Planning- Magazine and band names

    Both my magazine and cover band will need an original name, which reflects youth and slight rebellion to attract the target audience. To create ideas of names I shall have to see what the names of current Indie Rock magazines and bands are.
    Current Magazine Names
    • NME- is an acronym for 'National Musical Express' which has become well known by the target audience throught the weekly release of magazines, radio and internet updates.
    • Kerrang!- the name is onomatopoeic for the noise made by playing a power chord on and electric guitar.
    • Q- Originally it was to be called Cue (as in the sense of cueing a record, ready to play), but the name was changed so that it wouldn't be mistaken for a snooker magazine.
    Current Band Names
    • Kaiser Chiefs-  They were named after the South African football club Kaizer Chiefs.
    • Bat for Lashes- Stage name for Natasha Khan.
    • The Arctic Monkeys
    • Gossip- Formerly known as 'The Gossip'
    Magazine Name Ideas
    • BASS
    • SNARE!-is the name of a type of drum, which is used in Indie Rock music.
    • FM (free music)- uses the idea of an acronym like 'NME'
    • IR music (indie rock music)
    • Unheard
    • Rah!
    Band Name Ideas
    • Sweet Symphony
    • Dismissed.
    • Bitter Lies
    • Rah!Rah!
    • The Loveless- is an edgey girl band name as many girl bands sing about love and etc.
    • Unspoken Truth
    • Alice in our land- takes the idea of the fairytale story.

    Planning- Specification

    • My magazine will have the aspects of and include the 'Indie Rock' genre.
    • The target audience of my magazine will be females aged 17-21 students, and fans of 'Indie Rock' music.
    • My magazine will be a specific issue of 'Girl Power' within the Indie Rock genre; including well established female indie artists and the cover band will be a new girl indie rock band. This theme will be apparent through the cover, contents page and double-page spread.
    • The cover band will have a name which codes rebellion of girl indie roack bands.
    • On the double-page spread there will be a wide range of photos reflecting different images and styles of the band.e.g. grunge rock and glam rock.
    • The double-page spread will be accessible to the target, therefore it will have a chatty and fun tone whilst also promoting the cover band, in the form of an interview.

    Wednesday 17 November 2010

    Research- Media Institutes

    To be able to create a good piece of coursework and product (front cover, contents page and double page spread) I will need to achieve an understanding of current media instituations in this magazine market. To achieve this I am going to research into three current Indie music magazines, Kerrang!, NME and Q.

    Kerrang! is a well established rock/metal music magazine however it has expanded it's horizons to a radio station, tv channel and a company to promote tours and hold their own gigs and tours. Kerrang! commenced publication on 7 June 1981 and was edited by Geoff Barton, initially as a one-time supplement in the Sounds newspaper, which focuses on the genre New Wave of British Heavy Metal and the rise of other hard rock acts. AC/DC appeared on Kerrang!’s first cover. To understand more about Kerrang! and it's current position in the market I conducted research by reading and exploring their website:
    By going on this website I followed the links to their news, TV and radio.

    NME is also another well established music magazine, but it focuses on the Indie rock genre and culture of music. NME also have their own official website, a website to sell tickets for gigs and tours, chart website (where readers and fans votes are counted), radio and awards. The New Musical Express (better known as the NME) is a popular music magazine in the United Kingdom, published weekly since March 1952. It was the first British paper to include a singles chart, in the 14 November 1952 edition. In the 1970s it became the best-selling British music magazine. During the period 1972 to 1976 it was particularly associated with gonzo journalism, then became closely associated with punk rock through the writing of Tony Parsons and Julie Burchill.
    NME's official website:

    Q magazine is the last that I have researched. A like the others Q has a radio station, website, magazine, current issue page, news and a chart. Q is a music magazine published monthly in the United Kingdom, with a circulation of 130,179 as of June 2007. Q was first published in October 1986, setting itself apart from much of the other music press with monthly production and higher standards of photography and printing. In the early years, the magazine was sub-titled "The modern guide to music and more". Originally it was to be called Cue (as in the sense of cueing a record, ready to play), but the name was changed so that it wouldn't be mistaken for a snooker magazine. Another reason, cited in Q's 200th edition, is that a single-letter title would be more prominent on newsstands.
    Q official website:

    After researching into these institutions these are the things that I will need to consider:
    • The power of the internet: websites and music downloading
    • The audiences knowledge of the internet
    • How media institutions use more than one source to sell themselves within the market
    • How these magazines have developed into many other sources of the media over the years of production
    • If I were to develop this coursework further I would need to consider more of the use of internet and other media sources

    Research-Indie Music Genre

    Background Information
    • Indie Rock is a genre of Rock music.
    • It was created in the 1980's in the United Kingdom and then later was taken by the United States.
    • Indie Rock, is often used to describe the independence of the artist, their music and the production of it. The artists are typically signed to independent record labels rather than major.
    • Other names for Indie Rock or are associated with it are; indie pop, dance-punk, post-hardcore.
    • Artists and Bands of this music genre usually use the instrumentation of guitars, bass guitars, keyboards and drums
    Indie Rock Trends and Fashion
    To get a better idea of the fashion and style I will need to use for my magazine I have put together a mood board of images of the Indie Rock fashion and trends, and some ideas I may include. All these image connote the rock scene, through the use of colours (black and white), costume and relaxed, youthful body language in some of the photos.

    Current Indie Rock artists
    I researched into current artists of this genre, I may use some of the names on my front cover to attract more people to read the magazine. The artists are:
    • The Arctic Monkeys
    • Babyshambles
    • Bombay Bicycle Club
    • Bat for lashes
    • Dirty Pretty Things
    • Doves
    • Elbow
    • Feist
    • Florence and the Machine
    • Franz Ferdinand
    • The Futureheads
    • Glasvegas
    • The Gossip
    • Hard-Fi
    • Kids in Glass Houses
    • Kaiser Chiefs
    • The Killers
    • The Kooks
    • The Pigeon Detectives
    • Owl City
    • Mystery Jets
    • MGMT
    • LadyHawke
    • We are Scientists
    • The Zutons
    Florence and the machiene
    Florence from 'Florence and the machiene' is a well established female indie artist, who not only her music but her style makes her as successful as she is in the current music charts. Her charting songs 'The dog days are over' and cover of 'You've got the love' has given her place in the chart vocally but through her style and performances is when she truely reflects her indie image. 
    Her image is clearly shown within the photo, her attitude, youth and individuality; they are all coded through the use media language, her clothes, body language, facial expressions and make-up and hair. The clothes within in this image represent her as being wild and untame, through her leopard print tights, and top which clearly states the word 'sex' and a pervocative image. Also this certain fashion choice is quite daring and rebellious which is related to the youth of herself and her target audience. As Florence is pointing towards the image on her top highlights the sexual aspect of her style within in this photo. Her facial expression also reflects the wild and fun side of her image, as it looks as if she does not take herself seriously. The hair and make-up choice is quite simple as her her is simply messy with her long fringe covering her eyes, and there is no sign of excess make-up in this photo, which gives as laid back feel to her personality.
    However in other photoshoots Florence has many other images and styles, but they all portray the indie music genre.

    The idea of having many different styles for my artist/band is something I shall persue when creating my own magazine.
    Being a successful indie artist Florence has used an manipulated the power of the internet to her benefit.

    Analysing Music Magazines-Double Page Spread

    To achieve an understanding of what I codes and conventions I need to include in my double page spread, I have analysed the context of the article and the layout i.e. the manipulation of pictures, font styles etc. of the double page spread from Top of the Pops

    Analysing Music Magazines-Contents Page

    Q Magazine
    • The main image is dominant of the page; this convention is usually an image of the cover band/artist of the issue.
    • Simple black band across the top of the page, highlighting the title of 'contents' by using contrasting colours and the issue number and date a convention of all magazines.
    • The theme colours black red and white are all colours associated with the magazine 'Q' and the indie culture.
    • Only selected pages are show in within the contents page, this is becuase they are the pages which are usually related to the issue and is the readers favourite features.
    • Also the fonts used are the same which is easy to read and looks neater on the page.
    • This is a very simple use of a contents page.
    Kerrang! Magazine
    • The main image is dominant of the page; this picture is not posed and is a picture of movement from a gig, a big part of rock culture.
    • On this contents page there is an editors collumn, completed with a picture of the editor giving them credit for their hard work of this issue.
    • All pages are not on the contents list just the important features.
    • Another simple contents page
    • Competitions and features are advertised here.

    Monday 15 November 2010

    My first attempts

    As I have decided to re-sit this media coursework, I am going to analyse and evaluate my first attempts of the front cover, contents page and double page spread. This will benefit my process of production as I will be able to critcise my own work and discover what changes I will need to amend to produce a higher standard and quality of work. When creating these first attempts I had stuck to many conventions of music magazines and codes of the Indie Rock genre, however my adaptation of these have not worked well for many reasons, one change I will have to make when re-creating.
    Front Page
    As I look back at this product I have created I can initially notice many common errors and faulties made when using the programme Photoshop. The use of font colours, for example yellow at the bottom of the page; this is very unclear and is not easy to read or understand. To amend this I could either use a bolder font colour and style or use a text box. Also when using font styles and colours on this front cover, there is no variety of size and style, which is always apparent on magazine covers. This will be something that I will need to think and change when creating my final product this time round. Through the time of production on this cover I was not fully aware of the capability of downloading different font styles, and applying the use of these on Photoshop. That is the reason for the white background the magazine and band names. Now aware I shall use the downloads to make it more professional. The whole production of this when reflecting all seems rather lazy and unfinished, something I do not want on my final product.
    Contents Page
    Again when reflecting back at these first attempts I can criticise and notice what mistakes I need to amend. If this is compared to any other contents pages it is not full enough of information, pictures, colours etc. which makes it all seem very bland and boring; this is not what a contents page should be like. I am not happy with this attempt, so the what I have decided to change and include are:
    • an editors collumn
    • a range of font styles
    • a range of colours (but keeping to the theme of the issue)
    • to use the images in a more professional way
    Double Page Spread
    Unlike the others on this part of the corsework there are not as many amendments I feel that need to be drastically made. As the interview I feel as if is well constructed, the layout is like other interviews in magazines and good use of font colours. However if there was to be a collage of photos or many photo's taken in magazines there will need to be a wide range of photos taken as in a change of costumes, camera shots and settings. I feel as if this is the only major change that needs to be done.

    Friday 5 November 2010

    Analysing Music Magazines-Front Cover

    Kerrang Magazine
    There a numerous codes and conventions of the metal rock music genre conveyed within in this music magazine cover of Kerrang!, a magazine which specialises in metal music. The theme colours black and white are code for and are related to the gothic cult which shares many aspects of metal music, which is clearly evident on this cover through other codes such as the artists amount of heavy black eye make-up. This heavy eye make-up is out of the ordinary for men and holds a sense of rebellion; however this is not for the genre and is part of the gothic style and image. As the eye make-up rings around his eyes it focuses the audience’s attention on his sincere serious look which is not common in pop magazines such as 'Top of the Pops', however as a close-up of the artist is used this draws the attention to his sincerity attracting fans of the music who are intrigued by his deep emotion. The smoke coming out of his mouth could just show the rebellion within the music as it could be decoded as if he is exhaling from a draw of a cigarette. However this is representing him as devil like exhaling and breathing smoke from hell, another aspect which adds to the idea of him being devil like are his black deep eyes showing no emotion. An addition been his trimmed black beard and moustache commonly related to caricatures of the devil. The word ‘resurrection’ is also present on the cover a complete juxtaposition to the devil imagery being used, as resurrection is a religious reference of god, and this music is far from holy. The font styles used are also code for the genre of metal music. The font used for ‘HIM’ is very gothic as the letters are sharp the opposite of round bubble writing used for the pop genre. The font used for ‘Kerrang!’ is black bold and heavy like the eye make-up on the artist, also is has an effect as if it has been smashed or cracked due to loud heavy noise. The title ‘Kerrang!’ is onomatopoeia for guitar and drum sounds which are part of the music genre. The slogan with it ‘Life is loud’ summarises the music within the magazine.

    Top of the Pops
    The target audience of young girls aged between 7-13 years is clearly established through the codes used within this front cover of ‘Top of the pops’ magazine. Firstly the cover is eye-catching by the use of the colour pink which is predominately used with on the cover. This colour is always associated with young girls as it is very feminine and girly. The target audience is also established through the vocabulary used for example ‘Kiss and Tell’ and ‘Fashion Bargains from just £2’, this highlights the psychographics as shopping at a low price is keen for young girls, and also ‘Kiss and Tell’ is a part of a girl growing up. Acronyms such as ‘OMG’ is used this highlights the education of the audience, as the use of this type of communication is used within the youth to reflect a certain expression of surprise and shock. Also the stars on the cover are related to young teens as they are members of pop bands or from the cast of a film ‘High School Musical 2’ which has a clear association with the target audience.  Every person on the cover are smiling and have warming body language, which is welcoming and is a convention of pop music. Also there is a high of puffs and straplines on this cover, this codes that the magazine is full of fun topics for the audience to enjoy.

    Rolling Stone
    Unlinke the other magazines analysed (Kerrang! and Top of the Pops), this magazine cover focuses on the cover artists/bands image to sell the issue of the magazine, as this does so it makes the covers iconic. The image constructed of the band Blink-182 is a rock band that do not take themselves seriously and fool around. This is constructed through the codes of their body language, facial expressions, costumes and the band members importance is reflected through the postioning of the band. Their body language in this image reflects that they are fooling around, but still has an esscence of rock and roll by their stance. Each member is pulling a comic expression, this is code for that they are comedians. Also that they are not interested in looking good as a band as this is not imporatant to them. All the members are topless revealing their chests this is a sign of masculinity, it is also a joke within itself as they are to be seen as some sort of sex icon however they are reflecting the opposit.As the members are topless they are revealing their chest tatoo's this also highlights their masculinity, it is also code for their rock and roll image. 'The half naked truth' this is relfected through the costume, or lack of, choice. Their low baggy trousers reveal their pants and is connected to their 'sex icon' image and is a parody of other stars who have been famously known featuring on the cover in just their lingerie. Each member has a piercing on show reflecting their rebel image, this is also coded through their hair as it is long and messy coding that they are not clean cut like other bands. The conventional magazine title is positioned behind the band, this suggests that the magazine is so well known that the whole title does not need to be seen as this style is widely recognised. Other codes to show that the bands image sells that magazine and not the codes of the magazine itself as it does not reach out to the audience through different colours and fonts.

    As the codes construct the image of the magazine through the body language of the artist/band, costume, font style etc. There are many conventions of the music magazine cover:
    • Title of the magazine
    • Bar Code and date
    • Puffs
    • Main image of the artist/band
    • Images of the content


    How people respond to texts.

    Hypodermic Needle Theory
    This theory suggest that media texts are like a durg and they directyle influence the audience and alter their opinions, attitudes and values- ideology. For example: Propaganda- Nazi Germany

    Effects Debate
    This debates that does the media text actually make the audience to act in certain ways?

    Is what the producer intends to achieve when creating a media product e.g. I have encoded my text with facial expressions and body language within this image to the target audience.

    Is the process of how the audience interprets the media text, this may result in unintended meanings of what the producer wanted.

    Preferred Reading
    What the producer wants the audience to understand from the media text.

    Negotiated Reading
    The audience agree's with elements of the text but not all.

    Oppositional Reading
    Is when the audience disagrees with the ideology of the text or de-codes it in a manner that was not intended.

    Uses and Gratification
    In this theory the audience do have an active role in choosinf which texts to engage with and what aspects of this texts.

    Reception Theory
    The audience are actively creative in the construction of meaning. They control the actual interpretation of the text (de-coding). The producer does not have the final word on what a text actually means to the audience.

    Thursday 4 November 2010

    Prelim Work

    To start this coursework I have created a magazine cover and contents page of a school magazine. This has allowed me to achieve an understanding of the basics of the programme photoshop and consists of a front page and contents page of a magazine. In the evaluation of my product I shall compare my final product o this prelim work to show what I have achieved within the process.

    Establishing a target audience

    To achieve an understanding of the target audience’s demographics (age, income, occupation etc) and psychographics (interests and personality e.g. image/identity), I have produced a questionnaire to establish what demographic and psychographic I will be targeting within my product. This information will be collected through the questionnaire responses, as I read the results I shall be able to see
    • age of target audience- how will they respond to the text? Based on theories such as the Hypodermic needle theory
    • genre of the magazine- what aspects of the genre would be included within the magazine- how the genre is encoded and decoded by the audience- the image and identity of the magazine and audience- fashion- audience and genre background- any further hobbies or interests linked to this genre of music and the audience related to it- by using already established music magazines within the questionnaire this will benefit myself when applying the psychographics to analyse how they achieve this
    • how many people buy music magazines and how this may affect the production and sales of my magazine
    • what my double page spread will include
    Demographic and Psychographics of my magazine
    Looking at the results from the questionnaire I can now establish the demographics and psychographics of the target audience, and relate all further work to the decisions made.
     The age of the target audience will be 14-19, meaning the audience of my magazine will be students not yet on their own income, and living at home with their parents.
      The majority of the sample preferred Indie music, I shall now apply all the codes and conventions of the Indie genre to my magazine. The identity of the artists featuring in the magazine will clearly portray the Indie genre through the code of fashion a psychographic of the audience. The majority of the sample were interested in NME magazine this reflects their interests of the music genre and the contents of current magazines.

    Research that I will need to carry out

    To be able to create an original music magazine I will have to research the following to give the product a unique selling point:
    Current Music Genres- what size of audience they have-examples of artists-what they consist of
    • Artists- who they are- who they appeal to and why- what's their image-how is their personality shown- achievements
    • Current Music Magazines- what magazines there are- how popular the magazines are- their target audience-background information
    • Analysis of an a current products- to do so I will compare and analyse two current music magazines- colour, fonts, images-what do they all represent- the codes and conventions of the covers- how do they appeal to the audience- how the products are ecndoing and decoded by the audience


    For my final coursework product I have decided to create the music magazine, which consists of a front cover, contents page and a double page spread for a new original magazine.
    The reasons I decided to choose this brief was because of the following:
    • After completing both preliminary tasks, I preferred creating the magazine cover.
    • When completing the film task I had no knowledge of how to edit film using computer programs that made it harder to do. I also feel that my knowledge will not expand enough to create a god film opening.
    • I prefer working with still images, using the equipment and editing the pictures using programs such as Photoshop which I am able to use quite well, and hopefully progress more doing this task.
    • I have a keen interest in current music and on a regular basis I purchase music magazines.
    To create this product I will go through the process of research (analysing current music magazines), planning (drafts of my product), production (the making of my product) and evaluation.