Friday 19 November 2010

Planning-Drafts for contents page

I have created three drafts of my initial ideas for the contents of my magazine; some which challange the conventions of a typical magazine.
In any type of magazine the contents page is always the first page of the magazine, and is equally important as the front cover, as it has to intregue the audience to read the magazine by displaying the issues contents in an appealing way. The conventions it has to include is:
  • titles of each page
  • page numbers
  • a brief summary of each page titled
  • images
  • editors collumn (in only some magazines on the contents page)
  • images
Draft 1

Draft one includes all of the conventions listed, and is very busy with page titles and small summaries. Even though it uses all the conventions it is quite basic, but is practical in highlighting the pages of importance (the image of the cover band, and the page number clearly stated). Like other music magazine contents pages the titles and summaries of pages are catergorised, this makes it easier for the reader to find what they enjoy reading about e.g. gigs. As this certain issue of the magazine is themed as 'girls take over' this will be shown through the titles and included in the editors collumn, which will be original and individual to the magazine.

Draft 2
Draft two has some qualities of draft one; catergorising the pages, image of the cover band, editors collumn, title linked to the theme. However this idea is very minimalistic compared to the busy page of draft one. The title will also adopt a bold font and use of feminim colours such as pink, to highlight the issues theme. This is also shown by the use of symbols (hearts and x's).

Draft 3
This final draft is very different to both as I was inspired by Q's contents page by reflecting the music genre through symbols, doodles and fonts. The idea for this contents page was to allow it to resemble a girls notebook and to have the fonts to reflects handwriting and doodles. This idea will establish the target audience and is a very original approach to a contents page.

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