Friday 5 November 2010


How people respond to texts.

Hypodermic Needle Theory
This theory suggest that media texts are like a durg and they directyle influence the audience and alter their opinions, attitudes and values- ideology. For example: Propaganda- Nazi Germany

Effects Debate
This debates that does the media text actually make the audience to act in certain ways?

Is what the producer intends to achieve when creating a media product e.g. I have encoded my text with facial expressions and body language within this image to the target audience.

Is the process of how the audience interprets the media text, this may result in unintended meanings of what the producer wanted.

Preferred Reading
What the producer wants the audience to understand from the media text.

Negotiated Reading
The audience agree's with elements of the text but not all.

Oppositional Reading
Is when the audience disagrees with the ideology of the text or de-codes it in a manner that was not intended.

Uses and Gratification
In this theory the audience do have an active role in choosinf which texts to engage with and what aspects of this texts.

Reception Theory
The audience are actively creative in the construction of meaning. They control the actual interpretation of the text (de-coding). The producer does not have the final word on what a text actually means to the audience.

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