Friday 19 November 2010

Planning- Drafts of Double Page-Spread

I have created three drafts of my initial ideas for the double pages-spread of my magazine; some which challange the conventions of a typical magazine.
My double-page spread will include a wide range of images of the band 'The Loveless' and an interview with them. However I want to create something very individual but still employs the conventions of a double-page spread:
  • Title
  • Interview- spoken parts to be clearly distinguished through either font styles or colour.
  • Images
  • Pull Quotes
  • Page numbers
Draft 1
As I have decided to take many photo's of the band in different styles of indie fashion, to show them in a collage is decidingly the best way to show the majority of the photos. Also by creating a collage it reflects youth as making some sort of scrap book or collage is popular in teenage years, and it also a fun way to show all photo's reflecting my skills in using photoshop. In this draft the collage will be surrounding the interview and will go across both of the pages. Pull quotes highlight specific parts of the interview, usually the comic or gossiping extracts of the interview. These allow the reader to read the contents of the interview, without reading it as a whole. Also puff's have been used to promote the band's new single and that the interview is an exclusive to the magazine.

Draft 2

This draft however does not exploit as many images as the other, this will allow me to choose for images that will clearly show the bands image and style. Also the image on the right links back to draft one of the front covers which is made quite regulary through the use of the same images, fonts etc. On the draft the whole interview is not on the pages as many interviews in magazines take over more than a double page spread, by including this will show by understanding of the different lengths of magazine interviews.
Draft 3
Draft three combines both draft one and two in some of the ideas; the collage, not to have the whole interview on the page. The right hand side of the double page spread will resemble some old collage by changing the colour qualities of the images, then above it have a quirky font of 'The Loveless' splattered acorss it which will code rebellion and youth.

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