Monday 15 November 2010

My first attempts

As I have decided to re-sit this media coursework, I am going to analyse and evaluate my first attempts of the front cover, contents page and double page spread. This will benefit my process of production as I will be able to critcise my own work and discover what changes I will need to amend to produce a higher standard and quality of work. When creating these first attempts I had stuck to many conventions of music magazines and codes of the Indie Rock genre, however my adaptation of these have not worked well for many reasons, one change I will have to make when re-creating.
Front Page
As I look back at this product I have created I can initially notice many common errors and faulties made when using the programme Photoshop. The use of font colours, for example yellow at the bottom of the page; this is very unclear and is not easy to read or understand. To amend this I could either use a bolder font colour and style or use a text box. Also when using font styles and colours on this front cover, there is no variety of size and style, which is always apparent on magazine covers. This will be something that I will need to think and change when creating my final product this time round. Through the time of production on this cover I was not fully aware of the capability of downloading different font styles, and applying the use of these on Photoshop. That is the reason for the white background the magazine and band names. Now aware I shall use the downloads to make it more professional. The whole production of this when reflecting all seems rather lazy and unfinished, something I do not want on my final product.
Contents Page
Again when reflecting back at these first attempts I can criticise and notice what mistakes I need to amend. If this is compared to any other contents pages it is not full enough of information, pictures, colours etc. which makes it all seem very bland and boring; this is not what a contents page should be like. I am not happy with this attempt, so the what I have decided to change and include are:
  • an editors collumn
  • a range of font styles
  • a range of colours (but keeping to the theme of the issue)
  • to use the images in a more professional way
Double Page Spread
Unlike the others on this part of the corsework there are not as many amendments I feel that need to be drastically made. As the interview I feel as if is well constructed, the layout is like other interviews in magazines and good use of font colours. However if there was to be a collage of photos or many photo's taken in magazines there will need to be a wide range of photos taken as in a change of costumes, camera shots and settings. I feel as if this is the only major change that needs to be done.

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