Thursday 18 November 2010

Planning-Drafts of Front Cover

I have created three drafts of my initial ideas for the front cover of my magazine; some which challange the conventions of a typical magazine.
Draft 1

This magazine cover is original as it challanges many music magazine conventions, for example the matshead is on a diagonal on the right hand corner which is not shown in analysing current products. Also the images are an extreme close up of half of the bands faces, this highlights and draws the attention of the audience on their facial expressions and make-up which sells themeselves as a band. The close-up also highlights the feminitiy of the band as it reveals their make-up in close detail. The amount of cover lines used within this front cover is very minimalistic, which allows and uses the image of the band to sell the magazine as used on the 'Rolling Stone' covers. The strapline simply highlights the issues theme of 'girl power' by having female artists and bands names, which is a convention used on magazine covers. However this magazine cover also has some flauses such as the masthead being on the right hand corner will be covered when stacked on shelves, also having minimal lines on the cover might not attract as many people as they may not have an interest in the band.
Draft 2
Compared to draft one this cover is much more busy with pictures, cover lines and how the strapline is used. Like many other music magazines, for example 'Kerrang!' the mast head is central and bold. The image of the band does not take up the whole page which allows more pictures of other artists in the issue which may attract more people than the target audience to read the issue, this is also another convention used on 'Kerrang!' covers. On this cover to sell the cover band's interview I have used the idea of pull qoutes from the interview to intise the readers. The strapline like on draft one has the names of other female bands and artists however this one is on the diagonal adding colour and attention the 'girl power' issue.
Draft 3

Draft three is a combination of both other drafts, as the only image on the page is the main band of the issue (draft 1), the strapline is on a diagonal (draft 2), pull quotes (draft 2), minimal cover lines (draft 1) by combinding these have created this original cover. From draft one I have considered the idea of having the masthead on one of the corners, however it is now on the left after thinking about the way magazines are stacked on shelves in shops. The image and style of the band is also being used the sell the magazine as much contents is not shown, but a close up/ mid-shot of the band is used higlighting their clothes, make-up and attitude to sell the magazine.

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