Wednesday 24 November 2010

Planning/Production- 'The Loveless' Interview

Interviews are constant in every issue of a music magazine (but not always nescissarily the main contents of) with artists about topics such as:
  • The artists/bands new album
  • Gigs
  • The artists/bands new single
  • Fashion
  • General Gossip
  • The artists/bands rise to fame
All of these aspects I shall include within the interview I shall create with the band 'The Loveless'.


Whoever said that girl power was dead had obviously not heard of ‘The Loveless’ (cover band) The new girl band on the scene have re-vitalised those two iconic words by adding a bit of rock and roll. Taking time out from their sell out tour Carrie and Alex sit and chat to SNARE!
Hi girls, how’s it going?

Alex: This is the first time I have had a chance to sit down in two weeks; it has just all been mental…a good mental, of course.
Carrie: Life is so surreal. I feel like someone is going pinch me and wake me up from this dream.

Did you ever dream about being this famous?
C: Actually, I never dreamed about being famous, just dreamed about making our own music. I’m just so happy to be doing this with my best friend.
A: Awww, she is so sweet! Everyone wonders what it is like to be famous but now that we are I just can’t get my head around it.  I knew it would be crazy (being this famous), but to think that a year ago I was an ordinary student in sixth form about to do my A-levels. But now every time we go out we are stopped by fans screaming names, wanting pictures and singing our songs.
C: It’s so mad; I can’t even go the local news agents without being recognised.

Have you ever thought about investing in some kind of disguise?
A: [Laughs] Now you’ve suggested it, we must!
C: Yeah Alex would really suit a long ginger beard and glasses, start a new fashion trend.
A: Oh how lovely!

Every band that we have interviewed have been inspired by other bands and artists. Who is your inspiration?

C: We have many inspirations mainly from 80’s, 90’s rock.
A: We are pretty old school. [Laughs]
C: We love Blondie, Guns ‘n’ Roses, Bon Jovi, Queen and Led Zeppelin. We are both huge fans of all their music. And we like to believe that we are doing them justice by bringing back true rock ‘n’ roll.
A: Also our parents always told us to live our dream, and here we are, living it! So we are both truly thankful for what our parents do for us and what they have had to put up with; guitar lessons, rehearsals, auditions, photo-shoots, gigs etc. You name it they have always been there for us.

So where are they today then?
C: Having a much needed weekend away which we have treated them to.
A: We thought that we would give something back to them.

Whoever thought such humble girls could create the largest mosh pit in the electric ball last night!
C: That was so amazing!
A: Not amazing, it was immense. The crowd were so alive, and everyone was moshing, crowd surfing. That’s true rock and roll.
C: We both come of stage and were really gutted ‘cos we wanted to join in. But someone had to provide the music.

Would you of crowd surfed?
C: Definitely.
A: I’m afraid of heights, so no. [Laughs]
C: It’s not that high!
A: But still…

Carrie, are you afraid of anything?
C: I have a massive fear of clowns. When I was younger I could never go to the circus or birthday parties (with clowns) because of them.
You have a very individual approach to fashion, style and image. Did anyone inspire you? Or is it just a statement saying ‘this is who we are’?
Both: Erm.
C: We have always been interested in fashion, always keeping up with the latest fashion trends, hairstyles and all that, like every teenager does.
A: We dress like how we feel. So I think that we have just created our style and image through our personalities. But it’s quite nice think that we are ‘fashion icons’ now.
[Both Laugh]

Your new single ‘Second time over’ is out this week, how are you feeling about it?
A: Releasing a new single is always fun, all the lead and up press can be stressful, but to us it’s all about the response to our music. We are only interested in our fans and if they like our new music and what we are doing.
C: ‘Second time over’ is basically about not giving up on anything. We can really relate to it as we got so many knock a back before we got to where we are now and it is hard but you should never give up. Just try, try and try again.

If you weren’t part of the current music industry, what would you be doing?
C: We are very lucky to be where we are now, but if we weren’t I would of completed my A-levels and go to University to study music production. Then try my hardest to get Alex and I a career from there.
A: If I wasn’t part of ‘The Loveless’ I think that I would of gone to University to study performing arts. I always dreamed to be on a West-End stage, not very rock ’n’ roll, I know. But it singing, dancing and acting is something I have done from the age of three. That’s where Carrie and I met.
C: And it all happened from there. Alex has always been in my life.
A: Lucky you!

What a lovely note to finish on. Thank you girls for your time and coming for an interview and photo-shoot at SNARE! We hope you have enjoyed it.
Both: Thanks.

Buy ‘The Loveless’ new single ‘Second time over’ on I-tunes.
Win tickets to ‘The Loveless’ tour- enter online.

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