Thursday 18 November 2010

Planning- Specification

  • My magazine will have the aspects of and include the 'Indie Rock' genre.
  • The target audience of my magazine will be females aged 17-21 students, and fans of 'Indie Rock' music.
  • My magazine will be a specific issue of 'Girl Power' within the Indie Rock genre; including well established female indie artists and the cover band will be a new girl indie rock band. This theme will be apparent through the cover, contents page and double-page spread.
  • The cover band will have a name which codes rebellion of girl indie roack bands.
  • On the double-page spread there will be a wide range of photos reflecting different images and styles of the band.e.g. grunge rock and glam rock.
  • The double-page spread will be accessible to the target, therefore it will have a chatty and fun tone whilst also promoting the cover band, in the form of an interview.

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